Maharashtra State Power Committee (MSPC) has been constituted as envisaged in Intrastate ABT order. MSPC is the Market Operator in In-STS of Maharashtra.

Organization structure of MSPC is in line with organizational structure of WRPC. EA2003 allows the Commission to delegate certain powers (excluding powers to adjudicate upon disputes and powers to frame regulations) to any of its members, secretary, officer or any other person. The Commission shall delegate certain powers to the MSPC to conduct market operations that are envisaged under proposed ABT regime at State level.
The Commission observes that in view of the wide definition of “Persons” in Section 2(49) of the EA2003, MSPC shall qualify to be ‘Person’, within the meaning of the EA2003 on whom certain powers and function shall be delegated by the Commission under Section 97 of the EA2003.

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